Sunday, 1 January 2006

The Beautiful New Born Children – Hey People! (Domino) album review

Domino have done their best to shroud this release in mystery: an unmarked CD-R was allegedly handed conspiratorially to a member of staff by "someone" already signed to the label. But rudimentary sleuthing reveals The Beautiful New Born Children to be German. One of them plays guitar with electronic tricksters Schneider TM, and boy, they don't half make a speedcore racket. Six of Hey People!'s nine fuel-injected songs zip by in under two minutes; album closer 'Up And Down And Round And Round''s seven minute duration feels bludgeoningly lengthy by comparison. Frenetic, razor-sharp high speed riffage and grotesquely overloaded vocals are the orders of the day – if you want subtlety, look elsewhere.

Charlie Ivens